Registration opens December 1st Noon EST!
Call your team-mates, notify your friends..... Hell, even let your closest competitors know IT'S ON! The 2014 Founder's Brewing Barry-Roubaix registration opens in just two weeks! Registration opens December 1st 2013 at Noon EST
The 2014 event will be capped at 3,500 racers so don't wait and take your chances on missing out on this type of fun; 2013 Re-cap video
2-Big changes for 2014.
1st- The Founder's Brewing after-party beer tent, awards ceremony and sponsors expo has expanded to be ONE BIG PARTY AREA!
2nd- We made some tweaks to the team competition (details on Bike Reg and the website; Which team wants to stand on the top tier of the podium? I guess we'll find out March 22, 2014.