Latest update
Important dates to keep in mind include a price increase this Friday March 1st, t-shirt orders close Monday March 4th and the event registration or transfers closes on March 15th at 11:45 pm est whether we have a sellout or not. There will be no day of registration so get on it! We currently have about 300 spots available. Many people are concerned about the waves compared to last year. We are currently set up at 14 waves with the 35-39 and 40-45 year old 36 mile categories spit into 4 smaller age groups due to high entries. Take a look at this Excel file for the current but not final wave list. Waves will go off every 3 minutes without a neutral roll-out. This puts most waves at about 200 racers with a 1 mile sprint to the first corner. An updated list will be made available with names and wave assignments on March 18th.