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FREE BRX Training Plans - From Training Bible Coaching

Want a FREE Barry-Roubaix training plan?? All you need to do is go to our Facebook page, like the Training Bible Coaching post and comment with; "I'd like to win" and add your race distance. On Sunday  Evening (1/1/17) We'll select and award (9) total training programs, (3) for each race distance. The training programs are intended to start 1/2 so even if you don't win a free program you can sign up on their website. Follow the links below to your distance and use the  promo code to save $30 on a customized plan to get you training with a purpose for race day. Courtesy of  Training Bible Coaching 22- Mile: promo code: BR2217

36-mile: promo code: BR3617

62-mile: promo code: BR6217
