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Sold Out!

As of 2-4-12 at about 6:00 pm we have sold out the event. There is still a chance to get in if someone can't make it and wants to transfer their entry. A good place to watch for those would be on the MMBA Forums or the Barry-Roubaix Facebook page. You may also create a comment to this post below and include your request for a spot and your email address. The procedure for transferring an entry goes like this; the replacement racer goes to the Barry-Roubaix Bike Reg site and clicks on transfers. It will ask your name, address, etc. It will also ask which racer he/she is replacing, the class he/she is signing up for and the original racers confirmation code(sent via email when the original party signed up). It will cost the new racer $5 to complete the transfer. The original entry fee is to be handled separately between the two parties